
In addition to camping, portable power station has many uses

2023-01-29 Shenzhen Partastar Technology Co., Ltd. 0

Many people think that portable power station is only "for camping".

In fact, it is an out-and-out "slash youth".

Let's take a look at its "hidden identities":

Camp Anxiety Coexist

This is the most known of it.

Insufficient power has always been a source of anxiety for outdoor camping. This has also led to "self-abuse camping" where only eating dry food and cold dishes, not daring to turn on the fan and air conditioner in hot weather, not playing with mobile phones and only daring to stay overnight in the dark have become commonplace for a long time.

The partastar outdoor power bank brings sufficient power. Listening to a song, watching a movie, eating a barbecue, or even taking a hot bath in the wild in the mountains can become a reality.

Disaster Energy Lifeguard

The heavy rain in Henan in July 2021 caused power outages in some hospitals, nursing homes, and communities in Zhengzhou. The lives of many critically ill patients, infants, pregnant women, and the elderly were at stake.

Powerful Life Generator

Mother Lu from Henan has two sons suffering from ALS. They need a ventilator for a long time to maintain their life and work. Occasional power outages at home and outages due to aging ventilator failures often make Lu's mother in a hurry.

The crew rushed to work and carried the burden

Due to the limited shooting period of the film, many film crews have to rush to work through the night. In outdoor shooting venues with insufficient power supply conditions, outdoor mobile power supplies with large capacity, stable power supply, and flexible movement have become the first choice of many directors.

outdoor freelance creator

In addition to film shooting, outdoor mobile power can also provide outdoor photographers with a better creative environment.

For wildlife photographers, traditional diesel generators are noisy and polluting, making them not the best choice for powering equipment.

Guardian of the Earth's Environment

Many front-line environmental protection workers work in the most inaccessible and extreme environments. A hot meal and an electric blanket to keep warm are their simplest and most urgent needs.

Whether it is rescue and disaster relief, medical emergency, special operations, or outdoor photography, film and television studios, camping life, in fact, these are the workplaces of portable power stations.

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